Words Linger

Words Linger

People seem to forget how much words can affect someone, even for years down the line. Imagine if you were the person to make someone feel insecure about a part of themselves by a thoughtless comment you said? Unfortunately in school people never used to think about the consequences of their words and this is where bullies or bitches first appeared. It’s depressing to say that there will be thoughtless people at any age but I’d hope as people grow up they accept the fact that everyone has imperfections and different views on what is beautiful. So next time you think something and say a comment to someone about their appearance, just realise how much that might damage them for years to come. We can change the faults of our personalities if we desire to but we can't change the way we look, no matter how much we try to manipulate it. We should learn to endure our flaws and live happily with the body we were born with. Beauty is and always will be subjective.

Laura May


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