Catching Up

I haven’t blogged in a while. I guess I’ve just been too busy, getting too carried away with socialising than actually sitting down and doing creative things. I feel like I’ve been crazy busy since I got back from Germany, not really having time to just sit down and take a breather.

Since the end of December I have slipped from routine and life’s been pretty hectic but in a good way. Studying abroad got me out of sync with everything and living that whole dream of travelling around, meeting lots of people and just genuinely having fun experiencing stuff that’s new. However the downfall is that it’s taken me pretty far away from reality. It’s quickly dawning on me that my final year of university starts in less than a month. My final year is the most important. It’s where everything counts and it’s dissertation time, something pretty much everyone (unless you’re a die-hard geek) dreads. If you know me well enough then you’ll know I’m pretty ridiculous when it comes to deadlines and work. I put everything off and drastically lack motivation. This really needs to change but unfortunately due to being in Dusseldorf it seems to have gotten worse. I really didn’t even think it was possible to get worse!

I sit on the fence about uni life. I am not one of those people that love it and get completely wrapped up in it. I have my life at uni but my life at home remains the same. Sadly I do prefer my life back home. I love Essex and everyone I have there. It’s really hard for anyone to compare to them. A lot of people tell me I’m lucky with the friends I have and I am - I know I am. It’s the kind of friendships when you spend a fair amount of time apart but still nothing seems to change. It’s comforting knowing it’s like that. I have found since coming back from Germany that people from your past can come back to surprise you, a unfamiliar face can become familiar again. I think when you sometimes acknowledge that someone is slipping from your life and becoming a stranger, you should still hold onto the chance that maybe they will reappear again at some point. You never know, eh? Life is full of surprises.

I honestly feel like the past month I’ve been home I’ve just been non-stop out, drinking, having fun and enjoying my youth but kind of forgetting the fact I need to concentrate on important things. I suppose I better start getting into that frame of mind before it’s too late, but one last bit of freedom before that comes please? Yes, I go to Berlin next Wednesday with my housemate Scott! A random and last minute idea but I’m so incredibly excited. I can’t wait to be back in Germany. Christ it’s all I ever talk about! I have some weird obsession with the country. I really think it’s going to be the place I move to when I’m finished with education, even if it’s just for a year or so but we shall see. No one can tell what the future holds. I have no idea what I’m going to be doing with my life but right now that’s not scary it’s kind of exciting…

Take care,

Laura May.


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