Things We Lost In the Fire

Things We Lost In the Fire

This is simply something short and sweet to get you thinking. Yes, I am stealing an appropriately fitted Bastille song for my own blog title. This blog post was triggered by a conversation I had with a friend from home over Christmas when we were stuck in traffic coming back from Brighton. I was going to write this a few weeks back but never got round to it. She was more just simply trying to distract my agitation from the horrific traffic we were being suffocated by, but it actually inspired me to write something.
She asked me a quite generic question of three things I’d save if my house was on fire, excluding family members. I sat there totally bewildered by the question at first. I was kind of disheartened by the fact I could not think of anything I would be that bothered about losing. However, in another respect it showed me that there isn’t much that can’t be replaced except for the life of my family and I. Life is definitely one thing that is irreplaceable, and their presence in my own life is a huge thing but as they were luckily already saved then the rest didn’t really seem to matter in my mind. She did tell me that my dog was not one of the saved things, so of course I would save my dog Barney first! Obviously I have things that are sentimental but nothing honestly that important. I guess if I had to choose the other things I would save then they’d probably be my laptop and a pack of childhood photographs. My laptop in itself holds thousands of memories and my childhood photographs are not digitally stored and include old members of my family who are not present in my life anymore. When I look around at the amount of stuff I have in my room at university, as well as my room back home I think how much of it I actually need, which is very little. The rest really is just ‘stuff’. Don’t get me wrong, replacing it would be a huge hassle and a great amount of money, but there are more worthwhile things to me than just that stuff. Nonetheless, this isn’t me inviting you to come and burn down my house or announcing a free-for-all. I think I’d rather that didn’t happen. This was just merely a few thoughts that hit me and maybe it will help you put a few things into perspective of what we want in life rather than truly need.

Laura May.


  1. I nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog :)


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