Dear Bloggers...

After having Tumblr for the past three years, I have decided to make myself a more formal blog that divides from some of the things I don't like about Tumblr. I am soon to be twenty and I study English Language at the University of Winchester. I have many aspirations in life but none that I am dead set on; however, two of the things I have always loved are writing and photography. I write a lot about thoughts that enter my mind, life and music. I am a freelance photographer and basically photograph the weird and wonderful.
Blogging is way beyond any other level of writing. It enables anyone, anywhere to express their true emotions with a lot less judgement. Just like a diary, it works as a entrance into your mind and all your deepest thoughts, amongst those we try our best to cover up but for some reason it seems a lot more ‘acceptable’ to our everyday society. It’s not like a diary that you have locked away somewhere for no one to find, instead its there in public for almost anyone to read.
This world of Bloggers is so diverse from every inch of intimacy, each Blogger writes about. Blogs have opened up such an incredible way that people can communicate with each other from all over the world. People can randomly stumble across one of your posts and within seconds they can ‘reblog,’ ‘like’ or comment on it, sharing it with whoever follows them. All over the world there are people that read each others work and identify with it, and get some sense of comfort from someone else feeling the way that they might at that precise moment. If you ask me, that’s kind of special.
So we live in a world with a mixture of people who are too afraid to say how they feel, when others see no boundaries between what is acceptable and what is too much. Why should we be afraid to say how we feel? Why should we hold back and be scared of being ourselves? It seems kind of silly. Never be afraid to speak your mind.


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