My welcome home!

Alright England!

Monday was one of the most exciting and saddest days in a while. It's quite weird when you have a mixture of the two...I had to say some horrible goodbyes but some pretty wonderful hellos as well! On Monday I left Dusseldorf in mid-thirty degree heat and was welcomed to a similar temperature in England. Everything went smoothly; no delay with the flight, no lost luggage and as I walk through the doors stating 'Nothing to declare', one of my best friends was standing there just gleaming at me. I am lucky enough to have her come and get me from Gatwick as my family are away. So then I said goodbye to Jemma. It was weird thinking I wouldn't see her until September, after having spent nearly every single day with her in my company. 

Then, myself and Abbey made our way to her car. The whole way home we gossiped like the girls we are, talking about all the things that had gone on between us whilst we had been apart. As we drove along the M25 I found it impossible to think that not long ago I was in Germany - it kind of felt as if it never happened. We went through the Dartford Tunnel and entered Essex. I have to be honest, I wasn't looking forward to going back to my house as it was pretty nice having my own room with a kitchen and en-suite to myself. I'm such a loner. 

As we pulled into my road and drove down towards my house I spotted a car on my drive which was not mine and as we got closer I then also noticed another car, a red Clio (so bloody bright) sitting by the door. There is only one person I know with that car...Michaela! There were banners dotted around that read 'Welcome Home' and a balloon and gift bag placed in front of my door. A huge smile instantly broke out on my face. There was even a banner stuck to the back of Michaela's Clio! There in front of my house stood three of my favourite people; Michaela, Georgia and Nathan. It turns out they had all planned this surprise between them and even spoken to my mum about it. I honestly couldn't have asked for a nicer welcome home. 

Thank you so much guys! I love you a lot. I am a very lucky girl to have such sweet friends. It's been weird not being around them for the past four months, but thankfully I have a good month and a half to catch up with them as well as the rest that weren't present. I then had to rush around like crazy to go out as it was about 9pm by the time we arrived home. It isn't like Germany where people wouldn't even go out until 1am because everything closes earlier here. It sucks. 

Clubbing was disappointing though, full of people who looked under age or as if they pretty much just turned eighteen. It made me upset that I am growing up, growing out of the place and night I used to get so excited about going to. I then got way too drunk because of it...and the rest needn't be mentioned.

I've been back a few days now and I really haven't thought as much about Dusseldorf as I thought I would but perhaps it's because I'm so busy at the moment. I'm not sure if its hit me just kind of feels as if I never left and that it never happened, like it was a dream or something. I don't want it to feel like that! I have got to say, for some reasons it is very nice to be back in the UK, especially the fashion, shops and food. I have pretty much over-indulged in them already! I bought myself my first maxi dress in London yesterday - very different for me! It's quite nice to be home and I'm looking forward to the next few months ahead of me.

Take care,

Laura May


  1. So glad to have you home :) xx

  2. This is the first comment I have ever received. :D xx

  3. I'm glad it was from me! Haha :) xx


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